Friday, December 14, 2012

The God of All Comfort

In spite of all the tragedy that we face in our world, we have a God who is on our side and will comfort us through every heartache we face.

My heart is grieved for the families of those who lost loved ones today in CT. We will never understand what would cause someone to do something so horrific but we have to know that God is there with them. It is our responsibility to pray and lift these needs up to our Father. When one of us weeps, we are to weep with them. We have to stand together as the body of Christ. We may not can be there to wrap our arms around them and tell them everything is going to be ok, but we can stand in the gap for them and intercede. God will wrap His arms around them and comfort them by His sweet Holy Spirit.

None of us are promised tomorrow. We have to slow down and truly live our lives. We get so busy and often just go through the motions and we don't even pay attention to what we're doing. We overlook our family, friends, and others that God places in our path because we are so busy running around trying to keep others happy. Slow down and enjoy the simple moments in life. Spend time with your spouse and your kids. Cherish those little moments that can never be replaced. Once a moment is gone, you will never get it back. If we allow ourselves to stay on this path of busyness, before we know it months and years have passed by and we don't even know where it went. Our children will be grown and we will have missed out on the most important time of their lives. Give them your very best and make sure they're your first ministry. Make them a priority and always let them know how very much you love them. Never take them for granted. God has placed them in your life and they need your influence. Be the person that God wants you to be in their lives and encourage them to be everything they were created to be!

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