Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Word - The Best Investment You Can Make!

I love the mornings! This is my time to get up early when the house is all quiet and there are no distractions. I grab my cup of coffee, sit at my desk, and let the Word of God speak to me!

I used to feel that I had to see how much I could read at one time, but that never worked for me. For some people that may be fine, but I never really comprehended what I was reading. I've learned that God doesn't just want us to read His Word...He wants us to have revelation of His Word. In James 1:22 we are instructed to be "doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." How can I do what the Word says if I don't know what it says?

I may read one scripture and God will begin to open my heart and speak to me through it. I may read several passages of scripture. The point is, God doesn't want our study of the Word to become just a ritual that we do when we feel like it just so we can say we've done it. It is His love letter to us! It is instructions on how to live life boldly and unafraid! It helps us overcome things from our past and prepares us for things we will face in the future! It gives us wisdom that we can share with others so they can walk in victory!

Please understand the importance of God's Word and look at it differently when you open it. It was never meant to be a form of religious bondage but instructions for every day life! God has given it to you to equip you so you can enjoy the abundant life that He has for you!

Don't try to imitate someone else's study habits. Pray and ask God what will work best for YOU! We are all different. We have different personalities and we learn differently. This is your personal relationship with your heavenly Father and this is between you and Him! Find out what works for you and enjoy this time with Him each day! You will witness Him transform your life right before your very eyes! Studying the Word is the best investment you can make!!


  1. Amen,well spoken and true to the word.I like you was in the same rut.Only after listening will true knowledge be gained.
