Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life Doesn't Have To Be Stressful

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God 's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG

Do you ever have problems turning off your mind? It amazes me sometimes at all the things that can be going through my mind within just a few moments. I often think, "How is it possible to have this many things on my mind at the same time?" With work, home, family, things going on in our personal lives, and the ever increasing to-do lists, our minds can become tired. Our brains can become overloaded. If we're not careful, we will spend countless hours of the day and night trying to sort through all these thoughts, trying to figure out how to manage everything, and to come up with a plan to fit everything in.

Being a planner/organizer is great but sometimes we can allow that part of our character to get out of balance. If we don't take control of our thoughts and stop letting our minds spin out of control, we are in danger of creating a stress-filled environment that puts more confidence in our own ability than God's ability. When we let our thoughts run rampant and we become determined to come up with a plan for everything in our lives, we are no longer trusting in God. We have taken this huge load on ourselves and after a while the weight of it will become unbearable. We always remind God that He promised never to put more on us than we could bear. Well, He hasn't. We are trying to handle it on our own and that's often why it becomes unbearable.

We have to give it to God! We will destroy ourselves if we don't stop trying to have it all figured out. We have to trust Him and seek Him for guidance. Let your mind be at ease and rest in His peace that passes all understanding. Trust in His sovereignty and know that He already has it all figured out. Why should you spend your days stressing over things and trying to have every detail of your life figured out when God has already done that for you? We bring unnecessary stress into our lives when we're not fully trusting Him. You will never fully understand God so don't allow that to be your goal. As soon as you think you have it all figured out, He will throw something else in there to remind you that you DON'T. He doesn't want you to figure it out. He wants you to TRUST HIM!

I used to have a misconception of God. I thought that as I grew and started to mature, I had to start proving how strong I was, act like I had it all together, and be able to figure out God's plan. I thought that would "impress" Him and make Him proud of me. I found out that is completely backwards. The more we grow, the more we understand how incapable we are of doing anything on our own. We see that without Him we are nothing and can do nothing. We realize that our strength is found in Him and when we rely totally and completely on Him, that makes Him happy.

Let go of whatever it is that's causing stress in your life. Give it to Him and trust that He will lead you on the right path. Don't take life so seriously that you fail to enjoy the life that He has blessed you with. The goal is not just to survive until we get to Heaven and then the fun will begin. We are to enjoy our lives to the fullest while we are here! We are to show the world that living for God is the greatest decision anyone could ever make! Be happy and keep a smile on your face that becomes contagious! Spread joy everywhere you go! Light up the room when you walk in! Leave all of life's situations in His hands so that you can go out and represent Him to a lost and hurting world!

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