Sunday, February 10, 2013

You Are On An Assignment

But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started:the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. ~ Acts 20:24 MSG

Do you know that you are here on assignment? You have been placed on this earth not just to be a parent...not just to be a spouse...not just to be single and searching for the perfect mate...not just to work every day. You are here for a reason!

There is only one you! You are the only one who has lived your life and experienced things that were necessary to help you fulfill your ministry. God desires to use your background, your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses, your experience, your victories, your failures, and every single part of you to help you reach the world for Him!

He didn't allow you to go through those things just because He was bored one day and didn't have anything better to do. He didn't get mad at you and decide to see how much pain He could cause you. There is always a purpose for our pain. He doesn't bring the pain into our lives, but sometimes He will allow it to accomplish something greater in our lives or the lives of others.

Sometimes we think our problems, our failures, etc disqualify us but in reality they equip us for the work He has called us to do. Think about some things you have lived through. Now look around at all the people who are going through something similar. Do you see how you can reach out to them and help them? Do you know that you are a living testimony of God's faithfulness and when they discover that you have lived through it, they will be strengthened and encouraged to keep walking. They will know that they can make it too.

We can't watch people suffering all around us and remain silent. We have been placed here for ministry. Ministry doesn't have to be preaching in front of thousands of people or being a gifted teacher. Ministry is when we live life and then help others live life. As God gives us wisdom and helps us in situations, we share that with others. We show the love of God to those who are hurting and need an encouraging word. We look for needs around us and then do whatever we can to meet that need.

Make it a point to notice who's around you. Listen to them. Find out what's going on in their life. You might be surprised to find that they are right where you have been. Let God work through you to make a difference in their lives. If nothing else, be a good listener. Sometimes people just need someone to talk to. Follow your heart and know you are there for a purpose!

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