Monday, February 18, 2013

Be a God Chaser

God-- you're my God! I can't get enough of you! I've worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts. So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you. ~ Psalm 63:1-4 MSG

What are you hungry for? What God can do for you or God Himself?

Life has a way of throwing so many things at us and if we're not careful, we will get lost in the midst of the turmoil. We will become so consumed by the things going on around us and forget where our strength comes from. We will become so eager to get an answer from God that we no longer seek His face, just His hand.

God's Word is our life. It has the answers for everything we need. It will instruct us and guide us. However, a lot of times we are struggling to try to make God do something that has already been done. We beg and plead for things that are already ours. God has already given them to us but for whatever reason, we haven't fully embraced them yet. So we spend days, months, years trying to talk God into doing something and He's standing there saying, "It's already yours. Just receive it by faith."

As we get caught up in this cycle and fail to fully understand what is rightfully ours as sons and daughters of God, we stop seeking His face. Our relationship with Him becomes one sided. It's all about what we want Him to DO for us. He's patiently waiting on us just to seek HIM. He wants us to desperately long for His presence. He wants us to wake up each morning knowing how blessed we are and for Him to be the first thing on our minds. He wants us to talk with Him and take time to listen to Him as He speaks to us.

When He becomes the object of our affections, everything else will fall into place. As we nurture this relationship, we will begin to understand what is already ours. We won't have to struggle to try to make things happen. We will realize that it's already done. We will begin to pursue Him with a heart filled with love. We will no longer be motivated by "things". Intimacy with Him will be what motivates us. We start seeing that He is the only One who can truly satisfy. We will find strength and peace in His presence. Our lives will be filled with joy. The things that come against us will no longer be able to move us because our foundation is built upon Him.

Stop struggling and learn to rest in Him. Take some time to stop asking for things and learn to enjoy His presence. Surrender everything to Him and know that He is well able to take care of it. Let Him become your greatest desire. Seek Him with all of your heart. Become a God chaser! Don't take no for an answer. Keep pursuing Him. Once you get in that place, you will never want to leave! That's exactly where He wants you to be!

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