Monday, February 4, 2013

It's All for Him

Let every detail in your lives-- words, actions, whatever-- be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way. ~ Colossians 3:17 MSG

The attitude and motivation of our heart is more important than our actions, words, etc. There are lots of people in the world doing all kinds of stuff, but why are they doing it? Is it for self promotion? Are they trying to impress people? Are they using their words to manipulate people so they can get what they want? Is it always an attempt to get something in return?

God's ways are so much different. When we have committed our lives to Him, life is no longer about us. It's about Him and fulfilling His purpose. It's about others. What can we do to bless someone? How can we make their life better? How can we go above and beyond to do something extra special for someone without expecting anything in return? What can we do behind the scenes that no one but God knows about?

It's not about getting credit for something. It's not about being recognized. We are to serve out of a heart filled with LOVE. When we love others with the love of God, we're not worried about ourselves. Our blessing comes from knowing that we have made a difference in someone's life. We find fulfillment when we know that we have done what God has asked us to do. We are not trying to promote ourselves because true promotion comes from above! God will bring everything in our lives into proper alignment when we get our minds off of ourselves and start fulfilling our purpose. We don't have to try to make a name for ourselves...we are to represent HIM and make His name known!

We must also have a thankful attitude. And that doesn't just mean that we are thankful for what God is doing for us. We must be thankful for who He is. Thank Him for using us to make a difference in the lives of others. Express our gratitude for causing us to be at the right place at the right time so we are able to share His love with someone who has lost all hope. Be thankful because He chose us to represent Him on this earth.

What an honor to represent Him! Wow, He has enough confidence in us to send us out to show the world who He is! He believes in us! He knows what we are capable of! We have to get our minds off of ourselves and make sure that we are representing Him accurately. People need to see the God that we serve. They need to know His character. They need to know they are loved. When we choose to let everything we do point to Him, our lives will never be the same! The lives of others will never be the same! What a joy to serve such an awesome God! We are blessed to be a blessing! Go out today and bless everyone you see!

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