Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Are You Hungry For?

Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born- again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied! ~ Matthew 5:6 AMP

Everyone has a favorite food or restaurant. Do you ever start craving something from your favorite restaurant? Early in the day you start desiring a certain food. You make plans to go there that evening but all day long you have an appetite for that particular food. You can't wait to get there. When you finally arrive, the smell of all the food seems unusually wonderful. They finally bring your food out and you begin to enjoy it. It seems to taste better than ever because that's what you've been desiring all day. As you finish your meal, you are completely satisfied because your desire has now been fulfilled. I love when I crave a specific food. Otherwise it's hard to make a decision about what I want to eat.

We can apply the same example spiritually. If we are just going through life with no real appetite for spiritual things, life can become kind of boring. But when we desire righteousness and have a deep longing in our heart to walk uprightly with God, we WILL be satisfied! We will be passionate about everything we do! We will love spending time in the Word because we know it will help us be a better person. We won't just look at the Word as a way to point out everyone else's faults. It will cause us to look within and see changes that we need to make. We will find ourselves thinking about God all throughout the day. We will desire to be more like Him.

As we walk through our day, we will no longer just want the day to hurry up and be over. We begin to understand that we are on an assignment and that every moment counts with God. We will look for opportunities to share His love with others. We will be moved with compassion when we see needs around us. Everything begins to revolve around Him and not us. We become outward focused instead of inward focused. As we pour out into the lives of others, we will begin to enjoy the abundant life that has been promised to us. There is no greater fulfillment than to know that God has used you to make a difference in someone else's life! The reward is so great and satisfying that you forget about your own problems and have an even stronger desire to reach more people for Him!

May it be the desire of your heart to hunger and thirst for righteousness. The things of this world will fade away and have nothing to offer you but temporary satisfaction. He is the only One who truly satisfies! If you don't really have that hunger, pray and ask Him to give you a greater hunger. He will help you. Let His Word begin to do surgery on you. Apply the Word to your life and watch a mighty transformation take place! Make it a point every day to notice the people around you. What can you do to bless them? Can you speak a kind, encouraging word to brighten their day? Can you pay for their lunch or buy them a cup of coffee? Maybe you can just be a good listener. Or maybe you have something that God wants you to give them that would truly bless their lives. Whatever He is asking you to do, do it. Stop holding back in fear of what others will think of you. Your obedience has great reward. Let His blessings flow to you and through you!

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