Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Know Your Value

I have not always been a Christian. When I gave my heart to the Lord in 1997, He accepted me and all my baggage. I was a Christian with no self esteem. I was very negative, I didn't like who I was, and it took a while for my mind to be transformed to understand who I am in Him.

So many of us enter into a relationship with Him not really liking who we are. We walk around under a load of condemnation because of past decisions that we've made. (Romans 8:1 ~
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit). We've disappointed ourselves as well as others so the thought of trying to make God happy can be very overwhelming! How can we possibly please a perfect and holy God? That must be impossible, right?

That is so far from the truth! A lot of times when we become a Christian, we see all these other wonderful people who are serving God and have been walking with Him for a while. We begin to observe them. Then we start thinking, "If I can be like them, God will be happy with me." The enemy will begin to play mind games with us and if we're not careful, we will begin seeking to be like man instead of like God. We will begin to imitate them thinking that if we do, God will be pleased.

This is one of the greatest tricks of the enemy! He doesn't mind you imitating someone else because that's not who God intended for you to be. The enemy will do everything he possibly can to keep you from discovering who you are in Christ! He doesn't want you to unlock your potential and become everything God created you to be! You have been created with a divine purpose! Each and every one of us have greatness on the inside of us! As we walk with God and cooperate with the Holy Spirit, He begins unfolding His plan and purpose for us! We begin to see our potential! We start recognizing the gifts that He has placed within us! Once we understand that we have value and that we were created to accomplish great things for His Kingdom, we become passionate about our calling! When we KNOW who we are and operate out of a heart of passion, NOTHING can stop us or hinder us! We WILL fulfill our purpose! That is why the enemy doesn't want us to discover who we are!

Keep seeking God. Give yourself time to grow and don't try to be like anyone else! God created YOU for a specific work and you are the only one that can fulfill YOUR purpose! Be confident in who He created you to be and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have great value!! You were created for such a time as this!!

1 Corinthians 12:4-6
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.

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