Tuesday, January 15, 2013

He Will Fight For You

The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” ~ Exodus 14:14

One of the hardest things to do when we're facing opposition is to be quiet. We feel the need to take matters into our own hands. We verbally attack whatever or whoever is coming against us. But the one thing that we need to remember is that we make things worse when we take things into our own hands.

God is well able to take care of our problems. He doesn't need our help. However, He does require our cooperation. Oppositions are opportunities to apply the Word to our lives. What does the Word say about the situation we are facing? Someone else may be in the wrong but how does God tell us to handle it? What is our reaction supposed to be?

When a situation arises, we must immediately go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom and strength to do the right thing. We must also go to the Word. The Word will give us knowledge and equip us to stand against the trial we are facing. But just reading the Word is not enough. We have to apply it to our lives for it to have any effect. We must use this as an opportunity to build our spirit man and crucify our flesh. Our flesh will always fight to remain in control and have its way, but we have to say "No" and do the right thing, even if it hurts!

When we cooperate with God and trust that He will bring us through this situation, He will fight for us. He will take care of our problems. But sometimes the problem we are facing is not the biggest issue. He is more concerned about our character and our testimony. This problem is not there to destroy us but to build us. God will use these difficult times to work on areas of our lives where we need some help. As we work with Him and obey His voice, He does a deep internal work and slowly we become more like Him! The whole purpose is to make us like Him...to transform us into His image! As we go through this process, we are constantly changing and before long when people look at us, they will see Him! No longer will we be the same person we used to be! We are here to be His representatives on this earth. He will use whatever He has to in order to bring about that change in our lives.

Oh how exciting to know that daily we are looking more like our Father! I don't know about you, but that is overwhelming to me!! To know that He has enough confidence in us to allow us to represent Him to a lost and hurting world is such an honor!! May we never take it lightly! We have a great purpose and my prayer is that we will fully cooperate with Him so that His perfect will can be fulfilled on this earth!

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