Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nothing Can Separate You From His Love

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~ Romans 8:38-39

Every person is born with a deep inward desire to be loved. They want to be accepted. They want to feel like they are important and that they have value.

I believe many people who get caught in a cycle of addictive behavior turn to these lifestyles in an attempt to find acceptance. Maybe something has happened in their lives that has left them broken and feeling unimportant. Maybe they're dealing with shame from being sexually abused as a child. Maybe their parents physically abused them and they never felt loved. Or possibly these feelings stem from being in a broken home and they never had the love and support of both parents.

So many things can happen, even at an early age. Children are very vulnerable. They take things to heart and the good or bad things they experience can often determine the path they take in life. That is why it is so very important that we raise our children to know the Lord and to be secure in His love. If they don't know His love or feel accepted at home, they will search for it somewhere.

The awesome thing about God is that His very character is LOVE! That is who He is! If you were raised to know the Lord, you are probably already established in His love. But there's good news for those who didn't grow up knowing Him! Maybe you were one of those who found yourself searching for love in all the wrong places. Maybe you were deeply wounded at an early age and you just never felt like you measured up. I have good news for you! You are perfect in God's eyes! He loves you so much and He accepts you just as you are! He wants to take all that pain, guilt, and shame and give you a brand new life! You can stop searching. You don't have to rely on those drugs, alcohol, or another person to try to make yourself feel special. You ARE special! You are beautiful! You have greatness on the inside of you! You have a mighty purpose and His plan for your life is wonderful! You don't have to search anymore. Jesus is here to rescue you and give you the life that you've always dreamed of! Accept His love and discover your value. There is no one like you!

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