Monday, January 21, 2013

The Battle is the Lord's

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. ~ 1 Samuel 17:45

I love the story of David and Goliath. Here is a young boy who knew his God! He was passionate about his relationship with God! He saw a need, and he boldly approached the enemy and was prepared to fight. He didn't let his age, size, or inexperience stop him. He didn't let the insults of his brothers or Goliath hinder him. He didn't try to be something that he was not. Saul clothed him with his armor which David couldn't even walk in. David removed Saul's armor and faced Goliath with nothing but a sling, five smooth stones, and His God!

In the natural, the odds were clearly against David. But David had a relationship with God. He knew what His God was able to do. He remembered how God had been with him and helped him defeat the lion and the bear. He understood that he couldn't rely on his own strength but he had to trust in the strength of the Lord. It was the Lord who would give him victory. The Lord would fight for him! In spite of every obstacle that was against David, he walked away victorious that day because he chose to trust in God's abilities instead of looking at his own inabilities.

What a valuable lesson we can learn from this young boy! We need to learn to trust in God's abilities instead of our own. God will fight the battles for us if we will yield to Him and let Him do things His way. Look at all you've gone through in your life. Everything may not be perfect, but you're still here! Look at all the times the enemy tried to destroy you. But God kept you! He fought for you and didn't let the enemy take you out because you have a great purpose! Remember how God provided when you had a need. Remember when you were sick and no one knew what to do but God healed you. Remember those times God protected you when you were going down the road and almost had a wreck. Throughout your lifetime, the enemy has tried to destroy you more times than you can count, and a lot of times that you were not even aware of! But God has always been faithful and He will continue to be faithful!

When faced with a situation, remember what God has done in your life. Let past victories stir up your faith and help remind you of God's faithfulness. Then boldly approach the situation just as David did Goliath. Go in the strength of the Lord, not your own strength. Walk in obedience to God and watch Him fight on your behalf. With God on your side, you can't lose! It's a fixed fight! Every battle has already been won! God is undefeated! He is the Champion! How comforting it is to know He's on our side!! We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ!!

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