Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What Are You Thinking About?

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. ~ Isaiah 26:3

What do you do when a situation comes into your life that is difficult and just too much to handle? Do you find yourself thinking about the situation often? I don't know about you, but I have to work very hard to control my thoughts. If I'm not careful, I will find myself replaying the same negative junk over and over in my mind and when this happens, I lose my peace.

God is our peace and we are promised in Isaiah 26:3 that we will have perfect peace if our mind is stayed on Him. That means we have to make a conscious effort to stop thinking about the bad stuff! The more we keep thinking about it, the more we will find our joy and peace fading away.

So what do we do when we have bills to pay and there's no money in the bank? What is our response when we get a bad report from the doctor? What about when our lost loved ones seem to get meaner and meaner? Those negative thoughts will try to come but we must remember that God is greater! We must turn to the Word and remind ourselves of His promises. Instead of replaying the negative stuff over and over, meditate on the Word and keep replaying it over and over. Speak the Word out loud over our situation. The more we focus on God and His Word, we will find ourselves maintaining perfect peace no matter what is going on around us! Peace is not contingent upon circumstances...it comes from a knowledge of Who He is! It comes when we truly believe that He is bigger and greater than anything that can come our way! It comes when we believe that He causes ALL things to work together for our good! No matter what is going on, we have to KNOW that He is working on our behalf and He will make all things beautiful in its time!

God is good ALL the time! He is constant. His Word will remain forever. It will not return void. It is the one sure thing that we can stand on. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is our God...our Creator...our Redeemer...our Strong Tower...our Mighty Fortress...our Deliverer...our Prince of Peace....Lord of Lords....Alpha and Omega...the Beginning and the End...He is the Great I AM!! He is Jehovah!! He is all you need!! Never forget His goodness! Know He is always there and when you understand that He is walking through this storm with you, you will never have to fear or feel all alone! He is with you all the way to the very end! Keep your mind on Him and rest in His peace!

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