Monday, January 28, 2013

Show Others the Way

She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness [giving counsel and instruction]. ~ Proverbs 31:26 AMP

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is confident in who she is in Christ. She has dedicated her life to the Lord and she understands that it is only through Him that she can do anything. This woman has lived through some things. She has walked through difficult places and come out victorious. She has gained wisdom and knowledge through her own experiences and has come to know her God in such an intimate way.

There are so many women who have been through a lot during their time on this earth. They have endured hardship. They have fought the good fight of faith. The enemy has tried so hard to destroy them, but they are still standing! They are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ! However, many of them stay hidden behind the scenes and no one really knows their story. No one really sees what they've come through.

Our story is for God's glory! We go through things so that we can help others along the way. As God brings us through situations, we gain knowledge and wisdom. But that wisdom is not just for us alone. The Christian life is not about us. There is a world of hurting and dying people that need to know they can make it. They need us to share wisdom with them. They need us to take them by the hand and show them the way just as God has with us.

We all probably have someone who played a key role in helping us get to where we are today. Maybe someone that believed in us, shared what they had learned over the years, and spoke life into us. It is our responsibility to do the same. We need to find someone who is going through a rough time and pour into them. We need to train them and teach them. We need to share things with them that will encourage them and give them strength to keep going.

It is the responsibility of older women to teach and train the younger women who are coming up and starting a family. They need to see examples of godly women loving their families and being good wives and mothers. They need to see what stability looks like within a home. Or if you're a single mom, pour into another single mom and show her ways to make the most of her life. Help her to know that she can raise those kids and be a successful mom. If you're single and God just hasn't brought the right man into your life right now, pour into other single women and teach them how to be content with where they are. Show them that they can find joy in God and still be confident in who they are even while waiting on a mate.

Whatever situation you are in and whatever you've been through, pour into others who are in that same situation. Share wisdom with them. When we do that, we can make life easier for them and keep them from making the same mistakes we did. God has already placed some people in your path. They are your assignment. Take them under your wing and help them on their journey!

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